About Momma
Hello! I'm MommaFoxFire (momma). My pronouns are she/her.
I'm a mental health advocate, single mom, full-time proposal manager in the AEC industry and variety gamer. AND I host a mental health-focused talk show on Twitch and podcast called Even Tacos Fall Apart.
My many ups and downs in life led me to raising awareness about mental health topics as an advocate, and my aim is to spread non-toxic positivity across Twitch, Discord, Twitter and the various gaming communities I interact with. I have been living with depression on and off & anxiety since 2015, I'm still working to overcome C-PTSD from an emotionally abusive marriage, and I lived through post-partum depression in 2013/2014.
My first exposure to therapy for myself was a negative one where my therapist didn't listen and just pushed worksheets and a "try harder" approach even in the face of serious life events and suicidal thoughts. At the time, I didn't know that wasn't how ALL therapist acted, so I stopped going altogether and tried finding information online to help. Support groups, bloggers, forums, even reddit (oh lord) - all seemed to really double down on the "try harder" or "it could be worse" mentality. There was such a lack of real resources and info at the time, I just gave up and was fairly miserable for a very long time.
As I became involved in various gaming communities (see timeline / details below for what prompted this!), it always amazed me how many people don’t speak up until I would share about my own struggle and experiences… to which lots of “oh gosh, me too” comments would pop up collectively from others. When my grandfather went missing in 2017, I realized that so much could have been prevented and he might still be here today were it not for the stigma around seeking help. In those moments I began to realize that I could actually do some good just by being more open about my own story.
Now I aim to open up conversations and encourage honesty and non-judgmental support in my own FoxFam community and others I interact with.
In addition to talking the talk, I walk the walk in how I am raising my kids to be open to talking about mental health. I pursue allyship and certifications with various organizations and am a Positive Mental Health Champion at a global AEC firm.
The gaming community is important to me for a host of reasons - the most important to me is the connections it helps me maintain. Gaming can open us to new worlds, connect us with people we wouldn't otherwise know in places we may or may not visit and give us a chance to rise to exciting challenges and discover new stories and paths - sometimes within our own selves. Through gaming, I have been able to connect more with my two youngest sons to a much higher degree than I would have without b/c it helps me "speak their language." Gaming has also brought some symptom relief for my youngest son's tourette syndrome at times, and for that I am eternally grateful. Plus, I grew QUITE closer to one of my sisters through gaming and the gaming community! I truly believe that video games support social connections in a massively significant way. Gaming brings people together from all around the world - no matter the culture and sometimes even language - and allows them to experience the same thing as one another TOGETHER.
Also, I love puns!!! When it's not a mental health interview stream, I usually have a joke or pun as my title.
Here's some of my favorite bits of advice and things I say frequently:
the only "normal" people are the ones you don't know very well (yet)
it's not a sign of weakness to seek help, it's a sign of STRENGTH to use every tool in the toolbox INCLUDING therapy and the communities you find yourself in
hating someone is like you drinking poison and expecting them to die
own your story, love yourself, be brave
we are doing more than surviving - we are overcoming and THRIVING
your struggle is part of your story - not all of it
I don't need to know your whole story to show you love and welcome you into the community and honor you by spending time with you
*I am Not a Pro!!!*
I am an advocate, NOT a professional therapist, and I CANNOT offer medical advice! I bring up topics that matter to me and my community, do loads of research (shared via discord) each week and encourage open discussion about your own experiences... This site cannot and does not substitute professional help and is NOT for diagnosis!
I work towards better understanding mental health and raising awareness through research, plus:
NoStigmas Ally certification
Mental Health First Aid certification
Beneath The Skin Mentor
HeartSupport Streamer
Have experienced & survived (through hard work, medication and therapy):
post-partum depression
chronic depression / major depressive disorder
chronic pain
Am supporting/have supported my children with their own challenges:
ODD & ADHD in my oldest bonus son when he was little
gender identity, sexual orientation, anxiety with my oldest birthed son
tourette syndrome with my youngest son
all 4 impacted by the divorce
Life story time?
Maybe the abbreviated version... these are some life events that I wind up talking about frequently because people can relate to them (I'm still building out the details, but eventually you'll be able to click on any of these at your own discretion for the nitty gritty details, triggers for medical trauma, domestic abuse and more)