Upcoming, Recent & Past Guests + Topics

Upcoming Guest Information

Sean Robinson (he/him)

Sean will be joining Momma on April 29th at 8:30pm (US central) for a live Q&A via Twitch and YouTube - pop in then to ask questions directly via the chat and engage with our guest!

Main Topic

Personal Journey: Overcoming Habitual Drinking

About Sean

Sean Robinson is a thirty-nine year old Author, Speaker and Motivator who focuses on self-improvement, mindset shifting and habit forming. He works in the construction industry, is a volunteer firefighter. and lives with his wife & three children in Ontario, Canada. Going Dry: My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking is his first book.

Sean, at one time in his life, was angry, overweight, drinking too much, and not the person he wanted to be in life. There were various reasons for these issues, but if you had to sum them up, it was that he never really believed he was capable of anything different. Sean was raised a certain way and started to form certain beliefs/habits that seemed impossible to break.

This isn't some magical story of transformation, where someone went on a quest to find themselves (not there is anything wrong with that). There was no spiritual awakening or near death experience that prompted the change. Sean was just a person, who eventually realized life could be better than what it was. He realized he could be a better person, husband, and dad than he had been. And through thoughtfulness, dedication, and hard work he turned his life around.

Socials / Links for Guest Connection

If you have questions in advance to ask Sean, join our discord and ask in the #mhm-topics-n-questions channel!

Guests & Topics Coming Soon

Kenra Henry - Navigating Grief, Healing from Trauma & Finding Strength in Vulnerability

Sandy Sembler - Positive Trauma-Informed Somatics

Andy Heller - Divorcing with Compassion

Darius Wallace - The Power of Communication through Storytelling

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Recent Guests 

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Past Guests 

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(links to the below past guest pages will be added soon-ish - most live stream recordings can be accessed via my Twitch channel under the Even Tacos Fall Apart collection!)

Want to see what resources and products past guests have recommended?