Guest Appearances

I'm a GREAT guest!!!

It's weird to write about things I've done... Hello impostor syndrome my old friend! 

But really, I do love being on other people's shows, so if you want to have me on, feel free to use the Podcast Booking Form or Contact pages to reach out! 

I have spoken at colleges and conferences giving keynote speeches and presentations as well as being on panels. I have also been a guest on other podcasts, live shows and in videos. I am always willing to share my story and experiences with others.

Review the About Momma page for more on my life and what I'm all about. OR peep some of the appearances below and support my fellow mental health content creators by giving them a watch/listen/like/subscribe!!

What Do *I* Talk About As a Guest?

I'm a pretty open book, so ask me to talk about anything you can find about me, but if you need some general ideas, here are some things I've talked about as a guest on other people's podcasts, shows and at conferences:

feel free to ask me to talk about something else - these are just ideas that I've done before, not an all-encompassing list of what I WILL talk about!!

Previous Guest Appearances