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Kathleen Weber (she/her)

Kathleen joined Momma on January 30, 2023 live on Twitch to talk about Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT/Tapping) & Acupressure

About Kathleen

Kathleen earned a Master of Education in Counselor Education from The University of Virginia and was a School Counselor for 25 years - working at all levels k-12 (mostly grades 5-8). In 2016, she was training for a triathlon and learned she could train her body to stretch past her mind’s limitations. In the midst of training, she began experiencing significant fatigue, odd body pains, and erratic body temperature. Her symptoms grew progressively worse, and she had to take a medical leave. After being passed around from doctor-to-doctor for 9 months, Kathleen finally learned that she had Lyme Disease with a co-infection of Bartonella. It was a long and very slow process to regain her health. 

In the meantime, she started working with a practitioner who used Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT/Tapping) to support the underlying emotional struggles that accompanied her chronic health issues. EFT involves tapping on acupressure points while bringing to mind something that has an emotional charge to it. She had been to therapists on and off throughout her life and this was by far the most profound healing. She was able to heal things from her past she didn’t even realize were impacting her in the present moment. 

For example, Kathleen's family values hard work, which is a wonderful thing, but when her body couldn’t work hard the way she was used to, that value was getting in the way of giving her body what it desperately needed, which was rest. She wouldn’t allow herself to close her eyes during the day. If she did, then what did that say about her? She wasn’t working hard enough to push through. When she finally learned how to truly listen to her body and give it what it needed, she was able to gradually move toward healing.

Kathleen loved EFT so much that she became certified to bring the skills back to her  students. What a gift that was! She was teaching them how to use the skills themselves so they could use it anytime they needed to. Incredibly empowering!

Unfortunately, after being back in a school setting, Kathleen found that she kept relapsing. School Counseling is demanding on the body. Contrary to what most people believe, being a School Counselor is not a desk job. Part of listening to her body meant that she needed a change in career to support her health. 

So, she shifted to being a full-time EFT practitioner. Kathleen mostly supports educators who are experiencing burnout and trains educators on how to incorporate EFT into a school setting. This work is so beautiful and completely aligned with her higher purpose. The connection that is formed with her clients is absolutely beautiful. It is a journey that they are on TOGETHER, and she wouldn’t want it any other way.

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References / Things Mentioned During the Stream